John Howard Yoder Reading Room

Note: this content was originally curated by Arnold Neufeldt-Fast and is no longer being maintained. Some links may not work. Content posted for archival purposes only.

This page is designed to help make writings on and by John Howard Yoder available to those without easy access to a theological library. The links connect you to audio, books, articles and dissertations made available across the web, including those "Google Books" with significant content preview  - Arnold Neufeldt-Fast, PhD 

NB: Allegations of sexual abuse by John Howard Yoder arose before his death and are now well-documented (see documents related to sexual absue controversy; background here). Yoder was never connected to Tyndale University College & Seminary; Tyndale is committed to the creation of an environment that is safe and free of all forms of sexual harassment (see: Sexual Harassment Policy).

Primary Sources

See the John Howard Yoder Digital Library

Yoder Index: A Searchable Index of the Writings of John Howard Yoder

See Google Books on or by John Howard Yoder with preview (sorted by date)

Books by John Howard Yoder

Articles Written by Yoder

Letters and Memos by Yoder

Secondary Sources

Books on John Howard Yoder

Articles, Chapters on Yoder


"... TRUE EVANGELICAL FAITH cannot lie dormant
it clothes the naked
it feeds the hungry
it comforts the sorrowful
it shelters the destitute
it serves those that harm it
it binds up that which is wounded
it has become all things to all people"
-Menno Simons, 1539